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Cake Culture by Mickey’s
Featured Items
Signature Cakes
- S-Polka Dots
- S-Flowers
- S-Celebration
- S-Streamers
- S-Balloons
- S-Horizontal Texture
- S-Vertical Texture
- S-Diagonal Texture
- S- Messy Texture
- S-Smooth Texture
- S-Drip
- S-Edible Image
- S-Rosettes
- S-Semi Naked
- Same Day Mother's Day & Graduation 5/11/24 Pick UP
Please call store for size and flavor availability - You can choose a theme (Mother's Day or Graduation), decor will be designers choice.
Engagement/ Anniversary
Classic Cupcakes
Edible Image Cupcakes
Dessert Items
Chocolate Covered Pretzel
Torte Bowls
Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Wedding Consultation
Wedding Cake Tasting Box
Please include 3 dates and times for your consultation and the Wedding Rep will contact you to confirm.
Cake Culture by Mickey’s Location and Ordering Hours
(501) 221-1989
Closed • Opens Tuesday at 11AM